Today I Learned...

  • We must recognize that taking care of ourselves is not a luxury but a necessity.
  • Embracing routine health check-ups isn't just about addressing existing concerns – it's a proactive step toward ensuring a healthier future. 
  • By staying on top of our health, we empower ourselves to make informed decisions and receive timely treatment.

e all have aunts, mothers, and grandmothers who never fall sick and miss diagnosis of diseases as they don't feel the need to visit a doctor. Amidst life's hustle, tending to our own health might take a back seat,  and while regular health check-ups may not seem like the most fun way to spend an afternoon, scheduling checkups and diagnostic tests on time are truly the best way to stay on top of our health as we enter our 50s and beyond. 

Think of it as tending to your vehicle. Just as we prioritize timely servicing to catch minor issues before they snowball into major problems, the same principle applies to our bodies. Regular diagnostic screening with our doctor is like taking our "car" in for a tune-up. They can monitor things like our blood work, check for lumps/abnormal growths, look for signs of developing conditions, and keep track of changes over time. If we neglect regular vehicle maintenance, before too long, what was once a minor fix blooms into a major repair. The same damages can happen to our health if we skip those annual checkups and physical exams. Small issues we could catch early through screening may need to catch up to date down the road. Life gets busy and doctors' appointments take time - but our well-being is worth that investment for our future selves. Rather than perceiving it as a task to hold off on, view it as a proactive step towards future mobility and better quality of life.

GetSetUp Learner Gloria recently shared an experience that served as a reminder to us all as we bring Women's Health Week at GetSetUp. “Only a few days ago, someone I knew, a remarkable lady in her late 60s, remained incredibly active – exploring new places, dancing with joy through kathak, and embracing life to the fullest.  Tragically, during the trip, she suddenly fell ill due to elevated creatinine levels and eventually succumbed to kidney failure. The shock of her unexpected passing has left us all in disbelief, struggling to accept her absence. It's important that we take this heartbreaking incident as a wake-up call.” 

A few check-ups  we must all prioritize as we age:

  • Mammograms: Getting a mammogram every year between the ages of 40 and 84 can lower the risk of death by 40% compared to not getting screened. You can also learn how to check for lumps on your own following this simple at-home test by National Breast Cancer Org
  • Pap Tests: A recent research study revealed that certain women cease to undergo cervical cancer screenings as they approach the age of 65. Unfortunately, you can still get cervical cancer when you are older than 65. 
  • Bone Density Scan: Osteoporosis is often called a silent disease as it might not display noticeable symptoms. In the upcoming two decades, osteoporosis is predicted to affect everyone aged 70 and above, with a higher likelihood of risk factors in the Asia-Pacific area compared to the Western regions. Around half of women above 50 years old face the possibility of bone fractures due to osteoporosis. For more information about these scans and to book the tests, you can visit Suburban Diagnostics and Tata 1MG.
  • Cholesterol Screening: A recent comprehensive health survey involving the NHS, life science firms, and health organizations unveiled significant findings. High cholesterol is prevalent in nearly two-thirds (62%) of women, surpassing the rate in men at 46%. The 50s age group showed the highest incidence of high cholesterol (67%), while high blood pressure rose with age, impacting 46% of individuals over 80. Swift identification of at-risk individuals through timely check-ups can lead to early treatment, potentially saving thousands of lives, as experts emphasize. Today, diagnostic facilities such as Metropolis and NM Medical offer convenient options to arrange cholesterol tests from the comfort of your home using WhatsApp or a straightforward online registration form.
  • Regular Visits To A Gynecologist: UTI (or urinary tract infection) occurs more frequently as you cross 50. There are many products available today that won’t prevent UTIs but at least treat them in a timely manner before it reaches the kidneys.  Incontinence is another taboo topic that everyone is shy to talk about. It impacts more than 24M people in India and is mostly prevalent in those over the ages of 45 in men and women. Talking to a doctor about these issues can shed light on available solutions and remove the taboo around these less frequently discussed but common issues. New products and diagnostics can help treat these conditions. Brands such as Noble Chemist, and Pee Safe, to name a few, have products that help with both. 
  • Annual Wellness Visit: Your doctor knows your history best - take advantage of this opportunity to monitor changes and catch trouble early. Have your doctor thoroughly check your skin, vitals, eyes, and more, as annual exams spot hidden issues. 

We don't need to fear aging or visiting a doctor and be anxious about “something bad happening”. Keeping track of symptoms and monitoring weight, blood pressure, and glucose on a monthly basis or conducting some basic full-body check-ups annually is a good practice.  Taking care of our bodies now means we can stay active and live life to its fullest for many years.  

Article written by Deval Delivala, Co-founder, GetSetUp. Looking to make a meaningful impact in healthcare for older adults? Partner with GetSetUp to empower and protect our aging population through education, community-building, and support. To connect, drop an email at

August 22, 2023
Health and Nutrition