Key Highlights

  • Understand how setting an intention can guide and enhance your yoga practice, providing focus and clarity.
  • Discover how to incorporate your intention into your daily yoga sessions to stay present and motivated.
  • Learn to craft a personal and positive intention that resonates with your aspirations and goals for the challenge.

elcome to the GetSetUp 14-Day Flexibility and Focus Yoga Challenge! Congratulations on taking the first step towards enhancing your flexibility, focus, and overall well-being by joining our 14-day yoga challenge! This journey is designed specifically for active agers like you, aiming to empower, inspire, and rejuvenate your body and mind. As you get started on this challenge, we invite you to set a meaningful intention to guide you through the next two weeks.

Discover the power of Intention Setting

Setting an intention is like planting a seed for your journey. It is a powerful practice that helps you stay focused, motivated, and connected to your purpose throughout the challenge. Unlike a goal, which is outcome-oriented, an intention is about your present state and the journey you undertake. It is a commitment to yourself, a way to align your mind, body, and spirit towards a positive and fulfilling experience.

Why Set an Intention?

  • Focus and Clarity: An intention helps you focus on what truly matters. It brings clarity to your practice and guides your actions and thoughts.
  • Motivation: By setting an intention, you remind yourself why you started this challenge. This can be a source of motivation, especially when you might feel less enthusiastic.
  • Mindfulness: Intentions bring mindfulness into your practice. They encourage you to stay present, savor each moment, and appreciate the small victories along the way.
  • Personal Growth: Setting an intention is a step towards personal growth. It reflects your commitment to improving your flexibility, focus, and overall well-being.

Now as you get started on intention setting, start by reflecting on your why. Take a moment to reflect on why you joined this challenge. What do you hope to achieve? How do you want to feel at the end of these 14 days? Your intention should resonate with your aspirations.

Frame your intention in a positive light. Instead of focusing on what you want to avoid, concentrate on what you want to embrace. For example, instead of saying, "I don't want to feel stiff," say, "I want to feel more flexible and free in my movements."

Make It Personal: Your intention should be personal and meaningful to you. It can be a word, phrase, or sentence encapsulating your desired state. Some examples include:

  • "I intend to find joy in every movement."
  • "I am committed to nurturing my body and mind."
  • "I will embrace each moment with gratitude."

Write It Down: Writing down your intention reinforces your commitment. Place it somewhere you can see daily, such as a journal, a sticky note on your mirror, or even a reminder on your phone.

Incorporating Your Intention into Your Practice

  1. Begin Each Session with Intention: At the start of each yoga session, take a few deep breaths and silently repeat your intention. Let it ground you and set the tone for your practice.
  2. Stay Mindful: Throughout your practice, gently remind yourself of your intention. Use it as an anchor to bring your focus back whenever your mind starts to wander.
  3. Reflect and Adjust: At the end of each session, take a moment to reflect on how your intention influenced your practice. If needed, adjust your intention to better align with your evolving journey.

We are thrilled to have you as part of our GetSetUp community and can't wait to see the positive changes this challenge will bring to your life. Remember, this is a journey of exploration and growth. Embrace each moment, stay open to new experiences, and let your intention guide you towards a more flexible, focused, and fulfilled self. To learn more about intention setting and getting started with yoga, don’t miss on joining our class on 10th June at 9 AM with Guide Divya “Introduction to Yoga, Benefits and Setting Intentions”

June 5, 2024