Key Highlights

  • Bhavani S., a nutritionist and holistic wellness coach, is making a positive impact on active agers lives by teaching them about nutrition, food, and diet through GetSetUp.
  • Bhavani's innovative approach to health classes is creating a sense of family and learning for both older adults and individuals of all ages.
  • She is expanding her offerings to include healthy exercises and meditation, demonstrating the value of lifelong learning and well-being.

havani S. is a nutritionist and holistic wellness coach from Mumbai. She founded Aakanksha: Desire for Wellness an organization focused on creating awareness across ages on taking care of one’s own body using diet and exercise. Bhavani knows a lot about this since she has been studying this almost throughout her life. With a Masters in Food & Nutrition from Calcutta University and a Masters in Philosophy from the University of Mumbai, she knows her stuff. Now she’s furthering her education at the University of Mumbai pursuing a Ph.D. in Diabetes Management where her thesis focuses on managing diabetes with food, exercise, and meditation.

Bhavani’s clients actually brought her right to GetSetUp’s front door.

“I have a lot of older adults that follow me on Instagram and Facebook and I conduct a lot of sessions for them. One of them sent me a message and said GetSetUp is something I joined yesterday and thought it was interesting. You should join.”

Bhavani didn’t have to be told twice; she was curious! She registered on her phone right then.

“I tapped something and got to see the Guide application. Then I just started to fill in the form and upload the video. Before I knew it Deval made me a Guide. I never knew that this would happen.”

Since then Bhavani has been regularly teaching classes on nutrition, food, and diet. She started by hosting a Nutrition Hour with classes on various topics related to healthy eating.

New classes are coming regularly including classes in Hindi

Bhavani also hosts classes in Hindi to attend the audience that prefers Hindi to English and Bhavani is front and center teaching these classes.

Bhavani particularly likes teaching classes on Nutrition where she gets to show how to make great recipes. These are fun because participants come back after and tell about how delicious the recipes are filled with the excitement of a new dish.

It’s not just the participants though who are learning Bhavani is learning a lot as well!

“I have learned how to explain well when I talk about nutrition. Plus one class I was was preparing a recipe, and one of the ladies who was attending told me to add another ingredient instead of what I put in. She said it would be much tastier. I tried it later and it was better than my original one. It is these and many other small instances where I learn from participants that make it so much fun!”

Bhavani sees her core area as a Guide in older adult nutrition, but she looks forward to in the future adding classes around healthy exercises and meditation. She has a number of unique classes that focus on new and often overlooked areas of health Plus she just loves being a part of GetSetUp’s innovative approach to classes for older adults.

“I am loving it, I really am! We have become a family and we are enjoying classes with each other.”

To join Bhavani for interactive sessions, download our GetSetUp India App today from the Google Playstore to experience our cooking classes, fitness sessions, singing and dance experiences.

November 1, 2023