Today I Learned...

  • Embrace kitchen beauty with DIY makeup removers like coconut oil and cucumber juice for a natural, skin-loving cleanse.
  • Transform your skincare routine by exploring easy-to-make alternatives using ingredients like olive oil, aloe vera, and milk.
  • Bid farewell to makeup remover emergencies with these budget-friendly solutions that not only cleanse but also pamper your skin.


e've all been there – you're ready to take off your makeup after a long day, only to realize that you've run out of your favorite makeup remover. Before you panic, take a deep breath, and head to the kitchen. Believe it or not, there are several DIY alternatives that can effectively remove makeup without harming your skin. In this edition of Skincare Tuesdays, we'll explore five simple and natural alternatives to commercial makeup removers.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is a versatile beauty product known for its moisturizing properties. It's also an excellent makeup remover. Simply warm a small amount of coconut oil between your fingertips and gently massage it onto your face. The oil will break down the makeup, making it easy to wipe away with a cotton pad or a soft cloth. Bonus: Coconut oil is fantastic for hydrating your skin as well.

Olive Oil and Witch Hazel:

Combine the hydrating benefits of olive oil with the astringent properties of witch hazel for an effective DIY makeup remover. Mix equal parts olive oil and witch hazel in a small bowl, dip a cotton ball or pad into the mixture, and sweep it across your face. The olive oil will dissolve the makeup, while witch hazel will tone and cleanse your skin.

Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe vera is renowned for its soothing properties, making it an ideal choice for those with sensitive skin. To create an aloe vera makeup remover, mix equal parts aloe vera gel and your favorite oil (such as jojoba or almond oil) in a bowl. Apply the mixture to your face, focusing on areas with makeup, and wipe away with a clean cloth or cotton pad. Your skin will feel refreshed and moisturized.

Cucumber Juice:

Cucumbers are not just for reducing puffiness around the eyes; they can also be used as a natural makeup remover. Blend a cucumber until it turns into a juice, and then apply it to your face using a cotton pad or ball. The natural enzymes in cucumber will help break down the makeup, leaving your skin feeling cool and revitalized.

Milk and Honey:

Milk has been used for centuries as a gentle cleanser, and honey is known for its antibacterial properties. Combine the two for a nourishing DIY makeup remover. Mix equal parts milk and honey in a bowl, apply it to your face, and massage gently. Rinse with lukewarm water, and you'll be left with clean, moisturized skin.

When you find yourself without a commercial makeup remover, don't fret – raid your kitchen instead! These DIY alternatives not only effectively remove makeup but also nourish and pamper your skin. Experiment with different combinations to find the one that suits your skin type best. Skincare Tuesdays just got a whole lot more exciting with these natural and budget-friendly alternatives.

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December 6, 2023
Fashion & Beauty